246 Klet Observatory-KLENOT

    I.A.U.C. - 2004
  1. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, 2004, IAUC 8294, Confirmation of comet C/2004 D1 (NEAT)
  2. M. Kocer, 2004, IAUC 8314, Confirmation of comet P/2004 CB (LINEAR)
  3. M. Kocer, 2004, IAUC 8325, Confirmation of comet C/2004 H1 (LINEAR)
  4. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, 2004, IAUC 8383, Confirmation of comet C/2004 P1 (NEAT)
  5. M. Tichy, 2004, IAUC 8416, Confirmation of comet P/2004 T1 (LINEAR-NEAT)
  6. M. Tichy, M. Kocer, J. Ticha, 2004, IAUC 8449, Confirmation of comet C/2004 X1 (LINEAR)
  7. M. Tichy, 2004, IAUC 8457, Confirmation of comet C/2004 X3 (LINEAR)

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