246 Klet Observatory-KLENOT

    Minor Planet Circulars - 2003

12.384 astrometric positions were published in MPC - 11.790 positions of minor planets, 594 positions of comets
  1. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 Jan. 6, 47266-47273, Astrometry of comets (19 positions)
  2. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 Feb. 16, 47464-47488, Astrometry of comets (78 positions)
  3. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 Feb. 16, 47509, Astrometry of minor planets (823 positions)
  4. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 Mar. 18, 47961-47987, Astrometry of comets (117 positions)
  5. M. Tichy, J. Ticha, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 Mar. 18, 47998, Astrometry of minor planets (1967 positions)
  6. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 May 1, 48337-48366, Astrometry of comets (119 positions)
  7. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, 2003, MPC 2003 June 14, 48594-48612, Astrometry of comets (100 positions)
  8. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 June 14, 48623-48624, Astrometry of minor planets (3766 positions)
  9. M. Tichy, M. Kocer, J. Ticha, 2003, MPC 2003 Aug. 6, 49249-49266, Astrometry of comets (30 positions)
  10. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 Sept. 10, 49114-49117, Astrometry of comets (32 positions)
  11. M. Tichy, M. Kocer, J. Ticha, 2003, MPC 2003 Sept. 10, 49433, Astrometry of minor planets (1694 positions)
  12. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, 2003, MPC 2003 Oct. 10, 49736-49757, Astrometry of comets (43 positions)
  13. J. Ticha, M. Tichy, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 Nov. 9, 49851-49867, Astrometry of comets (56 positions)
  14. M. Tichy, J. Ticha, M. Kocer, 2003, MPC 2003 Nov. 9, 49888-49889, Astrometry of minor planets (3540 positions)

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