Czech Public Service on NEOs

Tichy, M.; Ticha, J.
Klet Observatory, Zatkovo nabrezi 4, CZ-370 01 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

Research on NEOs has become one of the most important part of solar system studies. It is mostly due to both the scientific achievements in the field and the awareness of the possible threat of NEOS to humankind. One of the most important duties of NEOs scientists and research institutions is to maintain contact with the public because NEO related issues have outstanding educational value and outreach potential. Nowadays Internet has proved itself to be an excellent mean of bringing NEO knowledge to wider public. There are many interesting and well designed websites maintained by NASA, JPL, etc. but naturally all of them are in English. Having in mind still unsatisfactory level of knowledge of English language in our society we have decided to design a NEOs website in Czech: . On this website we provide a public internet service which gives clear, comprehensive and up to date information about NEOs based on our long-time observing program at the Klet Observatory and our experience of working with public education programs. Our website serves to students and educators at different levels as well as to general public including journalists. It has also been visited by many people from Central and East European countries - Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Russia and others. The website was designed in 2001 and it has been visited by more then 100 000 visitors up to now. The content, technology and future plans will also be discussed.

Poster on Near Earth Objects, Our Celestial Neighbors: Opportunity and Risk, International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 236, held 14-18 August, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic

XXVIth GA IAU Abstract Book, p.105, 2006
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